Schoology & Your Family
Accessing Schoology
Schoology will become your best source of information about learning - and allow families to view your child's work and see feedback being provided by teachers. Not all student learning will flow through Schoology, but you'll have access to digital work, your child's assignment calendar, and classroom notifications.
New User? If you do not have an activation code for your students(s), obtain one by contacting your child's teacher or the home school's main office.
Have your Parent Access code and ready to get started? Parents and guardians can activate their Schoology online by clicking here.
Ready to log in to Schoology? Parents and guardians will then log in to their Schoology account online by clicking here.
Students and staff log into Schoology at, then sign in through Rapid Identity with your password and login
Click the icon above to access Kirkwood's Schoology site for students and teachers.
To access additional Schoology Support, visit our Schoology Support website.
Schoology be readily available for students and staff via our FileWave portal. Familes can visit our Schoology link, accessible from all district websites, or download the app for various devices. If you need an access code to link to your child's account, please talk with your school. New families will receive this information upon registration.