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General Session Minutes

In January for PTO General Session we had a social time and discussed upcoming events.  We talked about the BIPOC (Black Indigenous People Of Color). In attendance we had 14 people, including our Keysor Executive Committee.  Our plans for 2nd Semester include providing a place for community, which is the mising piece since we are in a pandemic.  We are going to be having Grade Level Meet-Ups each week where each grade will meet over Zoom, and get to have a social time. Door prizes will be awarded. This gives us a good chance to get to know each other, since many haven't met if they are new to Keysor.  There won't be any in-person activities or events that are school sponsored in the spring, just like in the fall.  Andy Flach, our PTO President introduced our current board, Pres-Andy, Pres-elect-Kirk Augustine, VP-Tara Kelly, VP elect-Emily Boeckmann, Treasurer-Aaron Woods, Treasurer elect-Michael Mancini and secretary-Amber Jennings.  Our events this year are to celebrate our 5th graders May 20th, although that will also look different this year and will be with the students during the day only. The 5th Grade Banquet Committee organized a slide show, Kona Ice and Swag Bags.  Project IDEA is our backyard space, and we will be having a work day this spring to plant and clean it up. We need parent volunteers to keep the space super nice for our children. We also have Restaurant Nights where normally a portion goes to Keysor, but this year we are highlightubg local restaurants and giving all proceeds to them.  Our Beacon/cross walk infront of Keysor will be going up late Spring of 2021.  We are encouraging families to use the Beacon.  We also discussed voting for Prop R on April 6th, and the impact it will have on Keysor! We hope to get it passed to have building improvements and security upgrades.  

District Prop R and Board of Education Candidates update.  From the District we had Dr. Bryan Painter, Dr. David Ulrich, Dr. Howard Fields, Ginger Caycee, Matt Bailey, and our three Board of Education Candidates present: Allen McCoy, Jean Marie Andrews and Angie Bernardi.

Each candidate had three minutes to introduce themselves, share why they are running for Kirkwood Board of Education and what their platform is.  

Dr. David Ulrich began discussing how Proposition R is very needed for our Kirkwood School District.  He showed a slide show and had his Board discuss various aspects of the building improvements that each school will get.  Prop R is being voted on April 6th, which is 3 weeks away.  He took feedback from the community; people who voted for and against.  There is also feedback from Boundary Adjustment Committee, and a paernts, staff and community survey. The survey found three things:  1.) Role of School District in Community 2.) Maintain class size guidelines 3.) Not bulding a new elementary school.

We are adding space for security and equitable access.

The Boundary Committee will provide families with the option to remain in the current boundary school. They will focus on utlization and capacity rather than equal enrollment.

Keysor's upgrades include: accessibility & safety improvements, reduction in enrollment, upgraded elevator to enhance equitable access to learning spaces, upgraded restrooms, additional & updated security cameras & lighting around perimeter of building, secure vestablue & Door 9 (North Entrance).