Counseling Services
The counseling program at Keysor is designed to promote the social growth, emotional development, and academic progress of every student. Counseling services include classroom visitations, small group discussions, special programs, and some individual counseling on a short-term basis. You may contact Whitney Mitchell (K/2/4), ext 2040, or India Howard (1/3/5), ext 2031, for more information.
Educational Support Counselor Services
Our school’s Guidance Department is supported by an Educational Support Counselor (ESC). The ESC’s role is to assist the school counselor in providing emotional and behavioral support to students. The ESC is a Licensed Professional Counselor provided through a partnership between the Kirkwood School District and BJC Behavioral Health. Services include anger management training, social skills education, small group facilitation, one-on-one therapeutic support, resource referral and case management. ESC services are designed to be short-term support interventions; however, if on-going services or additional resources are recommended, you will be contacted. If you have any questions regarding the ESC program, please contact your school’s Guidance Department.